
Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Creamy Paneer and Corn Curry

Husband keeps telling me he is getting fatter by the day and in spite of all the walking and jogging, his tummy is getting bigger by the day. Well, he is definitely looking healthier than what he used to look previously. However, I strongly feel that as we grow older our body muscles get more matured and the mass remains quite static. The more important thing is to live a healthy and active lifestyle and eat healthy homemade food. He often tells me that he will skip a meal a day and that way reduce 2-3 kgs and then continue on a regular diet. I find such ideas quite stupid and totally ineffective because the moment you get back to eating regular meals, you would be gaining more than what you lost. Having said that, I totally recommend the GM diet which does not require you to go hungry but follow a strict food detox program. I did it and got fabulous results and still maintaining. Husband however could not manage the strict regime and surrendered. Now coming to today's recipe, it is a simple Tarla Dalal recipe and quite easy to prepare as well. Goes well with rice and roti and tastes world best with my chilli pickle! :D

1 cup paneer
1 cup sweet corn kernels boiled and drained
2 medium onions, made into a paste
3 tbsp tomato puree/paste
3 tbsp curd
2 cloves
1 bay leaf
1" piece cinnamon
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp sugar
Fresh coriander leaves for garnishing
Salt to taste
2 tbsp cream
1 tbsp olive oil

For the paste
1 tbsp cashewnuts
1 tbsp poppy seeds
2 cloves garlic
1/2" piece ginger
3 tbsp warm milk

Start by preparing the cashew paste. Soak the cashew and poppy seeds for 20 minutes in warm milk. Then grind along with the ginger and garlic to a fine paste. If you have difficulty in achieving a fine texture because of the poppy seeds, dry grind them first and then soak along with the cashew and then grind again with the rest of the ingredients for the paste.
Heat oil in a pan. Add the bay leaf, cloves, and cinnamon. Now add the onion paste and fry till slightly browned. Add the tomato puree, cashew paste, and garam masala and fry till oil separates. Next add the curd, cream, salt, and sugar. Continue frying till oil droplets appear on top. Thin the gravy with a little water, about 1/2 cup, at this point. Now add the paneer and the boiled corn. Garnish with coriander leaves and remove from heat. Serve hot with plain rice or roti.   


  1. Lovely the vibrant colour :)

    1. Thank you Sushma..hope you try it soon and also share how you liked it :)
