
Friday, 11 July 2014

Leftover Delight--Rich and Creamy No-Cook Rice Pudding

Tea time gossips sometimes end up being very constructive. Few days back, I was having some chit-chat over some tea and snacks with my cousin from India  who was visiting us and she mentioned the Anniversary celebration of one of our close relative back in India. The menu and the food was totally awesome and the most worth mentioning was the dessert. It turned out that the dessert was a super easy no cook Rice Pudding which was the showstopper. My cousin did not have the recipe with her but vaguely told me what could have been the ingredients and since then it was stuck in my mind. Today when I saw that big bowl of leftover rice from lunch, I immediately got into action and prepared this delightfully easy pudding purely based on my instincts. I haven't tasted the one which was served at that party but I am sure, it would have been as yummy as this.
2 cups leftover cooked rice
100 ml cream 
300 ml evaporated milk (if you do not have access to this, you can just boil 600 ml full cream milk and reduce it to half)
100 ml condensed milk (or as per taste)
1 tsp vanila essence
Fistful of raisins and cashews each

Evaporated milk is readily available here and so my pudding is a purely no cook version. However, I am including a stove top version too for those who do not have evaporated milk available in their nearby supermarkets.
No Cook Version
Whiz the cooked rice in your food processor until smooth. Now add the evaporated milk, cream, vanila essence, and condensed milk and pulse further until mixed well and reaches a smoothie texture. Fold in the raisins with a spatula. The mixture should be thick and grainy, with no traces of individual rice grains. It should be of drop consistency and not pouring. Transfer the pudding to a serving dish and garnish with chopped cashews. Refrigerate and serve chilled.
Stove top Version
Boil 600 ml full cream milk and add the condensed milk. Reduce the flame and keep stirring at regular interval till the mixture reduces to half. Now add the cream and stir for 5-10 minutes more and remove from heat. Let it cool. Now add the pureed rice to this cooled milk and mix well. Fold in the essence and raisins. Garnish with chopped cashews and refrigerate until served.

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