
Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Irish Cream Eggless Tiramisu

Tiramisu and eggless do not quite sound right and I was apprehensive too. Tiramisu ought to be made with eggs and I was really stressed to think of a way to make it eggless. I was certain that the vegetarians around the globe couldn't let go of such a yummy dessert just because it has eggs. There had to be a way! And sure there was. Again, I wanted to make it little (ok! A lot) boozy for the kick. I decided to follow my own instincts and research on Google and came up with this eggless Italian delight that everyone enjoyed and relished. If you want to skip the alcohol, you can just do it. It only enhances the taste but is not an integral part. Again, if you want to make it boozy but do not have Baileys Irish Creme, you can use white rum or maybe vodka (I haven't used vodka but you sure can experiment) as well. All in all, it was a sheer delight serving this dessert and relishing it as well. It stays good for at least a week in the refrigerator if taken care to keep it covered at all times and using a clean spoon each time.
1 packet (approximately 22-24) ladyfinger or sponge finger biscuits
350 ml stongly brewed coffee cooled to room temperature  (you may need more as well, so keep it handy)
250 ml bailey Irish cream (can be substituted with white rum)
75 gms castor sugar (increase as per your taste)
1 cup whipping cream 
500 gms mascarpone cheese 
Cocoa powder for dusting 

Get the coffee ready and cool it to room temperature. Mix 150 ml of Irish cream into the coffee and keep aside. 
Next, beat the whipping cream and castor sugar to stiff peaks in a bowl. In another bowl, beat the mascarpone cheese till soft peaks. Fold in the mascarpone cheese into the whipped cream along with the remaining 100 ml Irish cream. Chill in the refrigerator until ready to use. 
Now take a rectangular 2 liter dish and open the package of lady's finger biscuits ready in another plate. Dip the biscuits in the Irish cream coffee mixture and immediately place it in the rectangular dish, arranging in whatever way you find it best to fit maximum biscuits. The lady's fingers biscuits absorb the cofee mixture too quickly and any longer absorption will result in a soggy liquid base (sharing from my experience). The quicker you can dip and arrange, the better. However, do make sure that the biscuits are dipped evenly on both the sides. 
Once the first layer of biscuits is done, take out the chilled cream and cheese mixture from the refrigerator and spread half of it on top of the biscuits. Level the top with a spatula or butter knife and you may also dust the top with some cocoa powder if you like. Now time for the second layer of biscuits. Repeat the same process as you did for the first layer. Make sure you have equal number of biscuits on top and bottom and preferably in the same sequence. If you fall short of coffee, make a fresh batch and bring it to room temperature before using. Again, spread the remaining cheese and cream mixture on top and level it. Now lightly cover the top and chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours or overnight. You can prepare this dessert at least 2 days in advance. 
On the day of serving, dust the top with cocoa powder and any other garnishing that you would like and keep it chilled till serving time. 

P.S.: I am sorry I don't have pictures of the steps in between as I wasn't too sure how it will turn out. The next time I make it, I will surely update this post. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. 


  1. The sponge lady fingers will have egg.

    1. You may replace them with any eggless variant if available 😊
